“BookLive!” is one of the largest comprehensive e-bookstores in Japan that started its service in 2011. Based on the concept of “Always with ‘Manga Library’ in your heart,” we offer service focusing on user experience.
Boasting one of the largest number of books in Japan, “BookLive!” provides convenient service as a comprehensive e-bookstore, including a gacha from which you can draw rewarding coupons every day, more than 10,000 works that can be always read for free and a bookshelf function that is valued highly by users.
The “BookLive!” app is a viewer dedicated to books purchased at “BookLive!”. Without membership registration, free books are available immediately on the app.
Characteristics of “BookLive!”
More than 10,000 manga works always available free of charge
“BookLive!” always offers more than 10,000 manga works free of charge. A wide variety of charge-free works can be read immediately without membership registration.
The number of users exceeded 15 million (*)
The number of users of “BookLive!” has exceeded 15 million. Supported by a great number of users, BookLive is evolving day to day.
“BookLive!” distributes many of its original comics
“BookLive!” is distributing its original comics that are only available here. There are many popular works that rank high and are talked about works that were adapted into other media.
“Bukkomi” is an e-comic store that has launched a manga distribution service for mobile phones for the first time in Japan where users can enjoy reading comics with points based on a monthly subscription. With the lineup of more than one million works from popular ones to hidden masterpieces along with a beneficial point back system, users can enjoy their favorite manga works anytime and as many times as they want, including charge-free works and discount works.
Characteristics of “Bukkomi”
With the high point back rate, charge-free works, and sales campaigns, save even more in reading manga
There are many charge-free works available without the monthly subscription. Rewarding sales campaigns, such as discounts, point back, and charge-free for a whole book, are available every day.
Read what are favorite from the lineup of more than one million works
Raging from popular works to hidden masterpieces, Bukkomi is distributing e-comics of many publishers now. Experienced bookstore staff introduce interesting books, which users can preview free of charge.
A long-established credible site started in 2003
“Bukkomi” is a long-established site that started its service in 2003. Purchased works are stored on the users’ own bookshelves and can be read as many times as they want.
(*) The number of monthly users in August 2022 was measured using the Web analytics tool Google Analytics.
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