Community Business


Characteristics of “Xfolio”
Easy to build a portfolio with high originality
It is possible to build a portfolio easily only by selecting a favorite design from plenty of templates and then uploading and arranging works.
Able to sell items within the portfolio
Xfolio supports both the sales of digital data by download and the direct sales of physical items that need shipping.
It is possible to open a fan community within the portfolio
If creators are interested in receiving support on a regular basis or interacting with their fans more deeply, they can open their own fan community.
BookLive’s service of conversion to/distribution of e-books to support individual creators
Xfolio Publishing
This is BookLive’s service of conversion to/distribution of e-books to support individual creators. It also engages in production capitalizing on the strength of operating its own e-book store, as well as conversion to e-books and delivery/distribution of them. Those e-books are delivered and distributed to more than 130 domestic e-bookstores, including “BookLive!” as BookLive’s label.


*Operated by the Group Company
Characteristics of “Palmie”
Operates on a monthly subscription, no need for an enrollment fee or cancellation money.
There is no unexpected expense because this service is provided on a monthly subscription basis. Since there is no maintenance cost for school building due to the online-specific service, high-quality lectures are provided reasonably.
Able to ask questions to staff
It is possible to overcome a setback in learning together with the staff who assist in the details of the courses and the recommendation of suitable courses.
Able to learn anytime and anywhere due to online-specific service
As the courses are organized so that each session can be finished in around 30 minutes, it is possible to receive the sessions during a little downtime if a smartphone or a personal computer is available.
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